Video Description: "Here Sveriges Asatrosamfund (i.e. The Swedish Asatru Society) is holding a blót to celebrate Spring at Easter Day 2009 in Old Uppsala in Sweden. This shows parts of the personal offering with blót gifts gathered around the idols representing Freyr the God of Fertility and Freyja the Goddess of Love, a stylized male organ and a stylized female organ. "

Video Description: "Here Sveriges Asatrosamfund (i.e. The Swedish Asatru Society) is holding a blót to celebrate Spring at Easter Day 2009 in Old Uppsala in Sweden. Here we see Spring fighting Winter, which results in glíma wrestling (Viking belt wrestling or Icelandic belt wrestling). It's all in Swedish, but subtitled in English."

Video Description: "Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology explores the damage caused by sugary foods." Very good, lively video about sugar, high fructose corn syrup and how it causes diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. This is not specifically about Asatru, but it is an important health issue.

Just a friendly notice: I received a message from Geocities recently. They are going to be shutting Geocities down in October 2009. Any pages/websites you may have on Geocites will be LOST if you do not retrieve your pages and post them somewhere else. There are a lot of great Asatru pages on Geocities; it would be a shame if they were lost. If you know someone with a Geocities page or website, please let them know that their site will be GONE in October of 2009 and ask them to relocate their pages somewhere else, perhaps or
Video Description: "Here I ramble on about a couple of decent books, since that seems to be one of the most requested things people ask for. "Do you have some book recommendations?" Well, here's the answer to that question."

Video Description: "Some Other-Worldly Places to go once one dies."

Video Description: "This is another take of the same message, but with different lightning and higher picture quality, just to test how these videos can be improved. My ancestors' grave. My thoughts about the word "ancestors". Here I'm using the word for indicating people who have lived at my place before me, even if they cannot be proven to be my genealogical or genetical ancestors. To me bloodline isn't important at all. I feel more connected to people who has been living at my place before me. This is a 5,300 years old passage tomb (gånggrift, jættestue, Ganggrab) from the Neolithic period. It's called Södra Ängshögen (i.e. "the southern meadow mound") (Falköping stad Raä nr 9) and it's situated at the crossing of Scheelegatan and Torstensonsgatan in Falköping in Västergötland in Sweden. This video is made by a member of Sveriges Asatrosamfund "

Video Description: "Forn Sed is a polytheistic and pluralistic pagan religion. We believe in myths and a cyclic understanding of time. This is in opposition to monotheism, national socialism, fundamentalism, and "The One And Only Truth". This is a summary of the book "Det stora sambandet" (i.e. "The Great Connection") (2009) by Mårten Bäckström, who is a member of Sveriges Asatrosamfund. This video is made by a member of Sveriges Asatrosamfund "

Video Description: "Here I am talking about the misconceptions that Forn Sed or Asatru is a racistic religion or a warrior religion. I also say something about this rune casting (rune divination) that I really wonder where and when it was created. This video is made by a member of Sveriges Asatrosamfund . "

Video Description: "The story of the Second Merseburg Spell as told by Birgit Knorr."

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Video Description: "Steven McNallen being interviewed by Stefn Thorsman of The Hammer of Thor Kindred on "You're A European American Drawn to Native American Spirituality".

Part One

Part Two

Video Description: "Steven McNallen interviewed on "Folkish Asatru", by Stefn Thorsman, Godhi of Hammer of Thor Kindred. Filmed live at Ostara 2009 hosted by Hammer of Thor Kindred."

Part One

Part Two

Video Description: "Join the Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) as we revisit our extraordinary Asatru gathering in June 2009. This slideshow is a small representation of the activities and kinship experienced by all as we gathered at the Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer. Many ceremonies took place with well-spoken words led by Steve McNallen, Johnny Hulsey, Jule Cole-Hulsey, and our special guest, David James. Mr. James premiered the Midsummer blot that he had been working on and refining for decades. Another highlight of the event was the wedding of Scott Ackland and Cynthia Boyes of Minnesota, who made elaborate preparations to the delight of us all. We had outstanding presentations led by Liz Ashmead, Birgit Knorr, David James, and Steve McNallen. Stefn Thorsman entertained us well, in true comedic fashion, as he emceed a successful raffle and auction. We had a great team of women and men who planned and prepared our meals, sharing the burden with plenty of volunteer help. With buoyant spirits we gathered at an evening concert where we clapped and sang along with The Blarney Band, whose song, "Spancil Hill" is featured with this slideshow. (In the lyrics, a man dreams about his return to his childhood village at Midsummer where he views the changes over time, but in the end, he awakens in California.) New friendships and greater commitment to the AFA and our folkway were the end result of our gathering -- with our far-journeying guests all confirming their attendance at next year's Midsummer in the Sierras. For more information about the AFA and our branch of heathenry, go to Contact us at Steve & Sheila McNallen"

Video Description: "Here Sveriges Asatrosamfund (i.e. The Swedish Asatru Society) is holding a blót to celebrate Spring at Easter Day 2009 in Old Uppsala in Sweden. Per Lundberg, who is the Goði of the Council, is declaring the blót frith (i.e. the peace during the ceremony). It's all in Swedish, but subtitled in English.

Sveriges Asatrosamfunds vårblot i Gamla Uppsala på påskdagen 2009. Här lyser rådsgode Per Lundberg blotfrid."

Video Description: "Here Sveriges Asatrosamfund (i.e. The Swedish Asatru Society) is holding a blót to celebrate Spring at Easter Day 2009 in Old Uppsala in Sweden. This is the introductional music while the circle was formed at the beginning of the ceremony. The shawm player heard is the saxophonist Roland Keijser. Around 60 participants formed the circle.

Sveriges Asatrosamfunds vårblot i Gamla Uppsala på påskdagen 2009. Inledningsmusiken medan ringen formas. Saxofonisten Roland Keijser spelar här skalmeja. Runt 60 personer deltog i ringen."

Video Description: Freyr is the Norse god of fertility. His name means simply "Lord". In Swedish his name is Frö or Frej. This Freyr idol is carved by Annika Wennberg. The idol is carved in pinewood, but the phallus is made of liliacwood. Music by Ennio Morricone."

Video Description: "Each culture is unique and should be preserved, as should global diversity culture. Room in modern culture for ethnic black pride, native pride, etc., but white or European pride is often mistaken as racism: a cultural double standard.

Most Nordic pagans and Heathen likely to confront the question of racism sooner or later. To be proud to European is not to say one is better than anybody else. Simply to say one knows who one is. The chain of generations most important, and our ancestral cultures are our heirlooms.

Tribal religions serve to sustain the tribe, in harmony with the land, down through time. In Nordic Heathenism, everything virtuous supports and helps the land, the tribe, the community or civilization.

We should all be proud, wherever we come from. Be proud, keep our ancient cultures alive. Odin says the only thing that survives a man is his honour."

Video Description: "Pride, in Christian Culture, is among the Seven Deadly Sins. Pride is a big part of the revival and preservation of indigenous cultures, especially among youth, who need be proud of their heritage to carry our indigenous cultures down the chain of generations.

Room in modern culture for ethnic pride, black pride, native pride, etc., but white or European pride is often mistaken as racism. Each culture is unique and should be preserved, as should the global diversity of culture."

Video Description: "Hoax or history? On November 8, 1898, a Swedish immigrant farmer, Olof Ohman, and his ten-year-old son say they found a Scandinavian runestone, dated 1362, wedged in the roots of a tree in rural Minnesota."

Video Description: "Introduction to the new non-profit organization called the Fridhgard Fellowship Society, dedicated to the celebration of the Old Ways of the Nordic and Germanic tribes."

Video Description: "Ingvar, a viking warrior and chieftain, is trying to lift the curse that threatens his land and people." Short film.

Video Description: "Ingvar, a viking warrior and chieftain, is trying to lift the curse that threatens his land and people." Short film.

Video Description: "This is a slideshow of the 9 month process of creating my sculpture Odin's Runesong with an audio commentary explaining my sculpting process. This was my biggest sculpture to date and a huge challenge for me. Odin's Runesong is based off the poem from the Elder Edda. Odin hung on the world tree Yggdrasil for nine days and nights in order to learn the secret of the runes. My interpretation comes from my interest in body modification and ritual, Odin is hanging in a resurrection suspension with the branches of the tree piercing his chest. To see more of my work please give Noadi's Art a visit at More of my work is available for sale at and"

Video Description: "I am a member of Sveriges Asatrosamfund. We have been pestered by some crazy National Socialists and their bullsh*t today. For those who still don't get it: Forn Sed is a religion, not some kind of racism. I'll suggest all racists and nazis to just f*ck off!" Adult language.

Video Description: "Asatro och forn sed handlar verkligen inte om rasism, även om asatron ofta missbrukas av korkade rasister. Här berättas det om icke-rasistisk asatro. Asatru and Forn Sed is definetley not about racism, but sadly Asatru is abused by stupid racists. Here I'm telling about non-racist Asatru. In Swedish."

(I have been here several times. It is a beautiful ship.)

Video Description: "The Hjemkomst Viking Ship, permanently housed in the center; was built by Robert Asp and his family and sailed to Norway in 1984." The center is located in the area of Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota.

Mike's Rune Poems

Video Description: "When I first started to learn the runes many years ago, I composed my own rune poems as a way to solidify the runes' meanings internally."

Video Description: "Here is part 1 of thew Death and the Afterlife Video. Real simple. Here I go over burial customs and a few references to what can happen when someone dies in Asatru concepts and theology."

Video Description: Speculative Asatru wedding scene from the movie Hvíti víkingurinn (The White Viking). "Here you can see some scenes of an heathen (Asatru) wedding as it may have been common across central and northern Europe before christianization. I like it because it is made very authentic. In the ceremony Askur and Embla marry. The priest calls Odin (the father of gods, god of wisdom, magic). Statues of Odin and Freya (the godess of love, magic, fertility) can be seen. Embla lies down two dolls to Freya to symbolize her connection with Askur. After the ceremony Embla receives presents from Greenland and Arabia. Finally Askur receives a Freya-pendant to protect their love. Freyas brother Frey (god of fertility, plants, etc) is also mentioned. Scenes are from the great movie "Hvíti víkingurinn" (the white viking), which is unfortunately very poorly known. A new version called "Embla" has been released recently, but it is also hard to get. The movie takes place in the year 1000 in Norway and shows the process of christianization.

Video Description: "Founding prayer of the Fridhgard Fellowship Society, in honour of the Tribal Mothers, or Disir, and offered by Dan Ralph Miller. "Ancient tribal Grandmothers of our ancestors, Oh mighty Disir!"

Video Description: "Exploring traditional Nordic calendar systems, looking at the Nebra Disk, the Roman Tacitus, the Old English chronicler Bede and the Poetic Eddas. Basics of lunar calendar systems. First in a series. See the crescent moon align with the Pleiades constellation, as pictured on the ancient Nebra disk, Monday March 30, ~04:00-PDT - best viewing for North America probably Sunday evening March 29, 2009."

Midwest Thing 2008

Video Description: "A heathen gathering in Minnesota, in August of 2008...hosted by Volkshof Kindred, and attended by Jotun's Bane Kindred, Winterhof Kindred, and Minnesota Heathens. The Music featured is by Kari Tauring."

Video Description: "Part of the wonderful Thor Blot done at Trothmoot 2008. It got too dark so the video ends as the video quality gets too bad."

Because the Heathen Freehold videos were removed from YouTube (not by Asatru TV), the Asatru TV posts showing those videos have also been removed. There is no reason to maintain posts for videos that no longer exist. Perhaps they will produce more videos in the future.

Song to Freya

Video Description: "A beautiful song for Freya, Lady, Vanadis. Sung by the Steerswoman of The Troth at Trothmoot 2008."

Video Description: "A talk on Loki hosted by Torval Lokison." 4 of 4.

Video Description: "A talk on Loki hosted by Torval Lokison." 3 of 4.

Video Description: "A talk on Loki hosted by Torval Lokison." 2 of 4.

Video Description: "A talk on Loki Hosted by Torval Lokison." 1 of 4.

Video Description: "Here is an example for using the very old runic formula of "ALU" for a magical chant and meditational tool. ALU has very ancient roots. The various theories of it's meaning all seem to correlated to a combinational idea of the words, "protection, sorcery, magic, ale, sacred, thrive, strengthen, ecstasy, etc". Possibily Proto-Indo-European root which gave rise similar Hittite words "alwanzahh "bewitch" and alwanatar "magic" the Greek word "aluein "rage or ecstasy" amongst many others. It does appear in numerous runestones, carved items, rings, and medalions, etc."

Video Description: "A *very* condensed version of the Troth's Grand Sumbel held every year at Trothmoot. Gives you a good idea of the basics of a three round sumbel including: raising the horn to the gods, raising the horn to the ancestors/heros, and two samples of the final open round: a boast and a gift giving."

Freya Aswynn giving a rune reading. Click on the photo or link to view.

Video Description: "Stephen McNallen describes the exchange between the Holy Powers and ourselves in the blot, or ritual blessing." Part two.

Video Description: "Stephen McNallen, founder of the Asatru Folk Assembly, describes the exchange between the Holy Powers and ourselves in the Blot, or ritual blessing,"

Asatru TV Returns

It has been seven months since the last video post on Asatru TV. I know many regular visitors enjoy coming here for the latest videos created by those of the Asatru community. I am sorry to have disappointed them for the last seven months. The video posts will begin again in March.