Forn Sed: My ancestors' grave
Video Description: "This is another take of the same message, but with different lightning and higher picture quality, just to test how these videos can be improved. My ancestors' grave. My thoughts about the word "ancestors". Here I'm using the word for indicating people who have lived at my place before me, even if they cannot be proven to be my genealogical or genetical ancestors. To me bloodline isn't important at all. I feel more connected to people who has been living at my place before me. This is a 5,300 years old passage tomb (gånggrift, jættestue, Ganggrab) from the Neolithic period. It's called Södra Ängshögen (i.e. "the southern meadow mound") (Falköping stad Raä nr 9) and it's situated at the crossing of Scheelegatan and Torstensonsgatan in Falköping in Västergötland in Sweden. This video is made by a member of Sveriges Asatrosamfund "