Video Description: "Here I ramble on about a couple of decent books, since that seems to be one of the most requested things people ask for. "Do you have some book recommendations?" Well, here's the answer to that question."

Video Description: "Some Other-Worldly Places to go once one dies."

Video Description: "This is another take of the same message, but with different lightning and higher picture quality, just to test how these videos can be improved. My ancestors' grave. My thoughts about the word "ancestors". Here I'm using the word for indicating people who have lived at my place before me, even if they cannot be proven to be my genealogical or genetical ancestors. To me bloodline isn't important at all. I feel more connected to people who has been living at my place before me. This is a 5,300 years old passage tomb (gånggrift, jættestue, Ganggrab) from the Neolithic period. It's called Södra Ängshögen (i.e. "the southern meadow mound") (Falköping stad Raä nr 9) and it's situated at the crossing of Scheelegatan and Torstensonsgatan in Falköping in Västergötland in Sweden. This video is made by a member of Sveriges Asatrosamfund "

Video Description: "Forn Sed is a polytheistic and pluralistic pagan religion. We believe in myths and a cyclic understanding of time. This is in opposition to monotheism, national socialism, fundamentalism, and "The One And Only Truth". This is a summary of the book "Det stora sambandet" (i.e. "The Great Connection") (2009) by Mårten Bäckström, who is a member of Sveriges Asatrosamfund. This video is made by a member of Sveriges Asatrosamfund "

Video Description: "Here I am talking about the misconceptions that Forn Sed or Asatru is a racistic religion or a warrior religion. I also say something about this rune casting (rune divination) that I really wonder where and when it was created. This video is made by a member of Sveriges Asatrosamfund . "

Video Description: "The story of the Second Merseburg Spell as told by Birgit Knorr."

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Video Description: "Steven McNallen being interviewed by Stefn Thorsman of The Hammer of Thor Kindred on "You're A European American Drawn to Native American Spirituality".

Part One

Part Two

Video Description: "Steven McNallen interviewed on "Folkish Asatru", by Stefn Thorsman, Godhi of Hammer of Thor Kindred. Filmed live at Ostara 2009 hosted by Hammer of Thor Kindred."

Part One

Part Two

Video Description: "Join the Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) as we revisit our extraordinary Asatru gathering in June 2009. This slideshow is a small representation of the activities and kinship experienced by all as we gathered at the Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer. Many ceremonies took place with well-spoken words led by Steve McNallen, Johnny Hulsey, Jule Cole-Hulsey, and our special guest, David James. Mr. James premiered the Midsummer blot that he had been working on and refining for decades. Another highlight of the event was the wedding of Scott Ackland and Cynthia Boyes of Minnesota, who made elaborate preparations to the delight of us all. We had outstanding presentations led by Liz Ashmead, Birgit Knorr, David James, and Steve McNallen. Stefn Thorsman entertained us well, in true comedic fashion, as he emceed a successful raffle and auction. We had a great team of women and men who planned and prepared our meals, sharing the burden with plenty of volunteer help. With buoyant spirits we gathered at an evening concert where we clapped and sang along with The Blarney Band, whose song, "Spancil Hill" is featured with this slideshow. (In the lyrics, a man dreams about his return to his childhood village at Midsummer where he views the changes over time, but in the end, he awakens in California.) New friendships and greater commitment to the AFA and our folkway were the end result of our gathering -- with our far-journeying guests all confirming their attendance at next year's Midsummer in the Sierras. For more information about the AFA and our branch of heathenry, go to Contact us at Steve & Sheila McNallen"

Video Description: "Here Sveriges Asatrosamfund (i.e. The Swedish Asatru Society) is holding a blót to celebrate Spring at Easter Day 2009 in Old Uppsala in Sweden. Per Lundberg, who is the Goði of the Council, is declaring the blót frith (i.e. the peace during the ceremony). It's all in Swedish, but subtitled in English.

Sveriges Asatrosamfunds vårblot i Gamla Uppsala på påskdagen 2009. Här lyser rådsgode Per Lundberg blotfrid."

Video Description: "Here Sveriges Asatrosamfund (i.e. The Swedish Asatru Society) is holding a blót to celebrate Spring at Easter Day 2009 in Old Uppsala in Sweden. This is the introductional music while the circle was formed at the beginning of the ceremony. The shawm player heard is the saxophonist Roland Keijser. Around 60 participants formed the circle.

Sveriges Asatrosamfunds vårblot i Gamla Uppsala på påskdagen 2009. Inledningsmusiken medan ringen formas. Saxofonisten Roland Keijser spelar här skalmeja. Runt 60 personer deltog i ringen."

Video Description: Freyr is the Norse god of fertility. His name means simply "Lord". In Swedish his name is Frö or Frej. This Freyr idol is carved by Annika Wennberg. The idol is carved in pinewood, but the phallus is made of liliacwood. Music by Ennio Morricone."