Video Description: "Here Sveriges Asatrosamfund (i.e. The Swedish Asatru Society) is holding a blót to celebrate Spring at Easter Day 2009 in Old Uppsala in Sweden. This shows parts of the personal offering with blót gifts gathered around the idols representing Freyr the God of Fertility and Freyja the Goddess of Love, a stylized male organ and a stylized female organ. "

Video Description: "Here Sveriges Asatrosamfund (i.e. The Swedish Asatru Society) is holding a blót to celebrate Spring at Easter Day 2009 in Old Uppsala in Sweden. Here we see Spring fighting Winter, which results in glíma wrestling (Viking belt wrestling or Icelandic belt wrestling). It's all in Swedish, but subtitled in English."

Video Description: "Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology explores the damage caused by sugary foods." Very good, lively video about sugar, high fructose corn syrup and how it causes diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. This is not specifically about Asatru, but it is an important health issue.

Just a friendly notice: I received a message from Geocities recently. They are going to be shutting Geocities down in October 2009. Any pages/websites you may have on Geocites will be LOST if you do not retrieve your pages and post them somewhere else. There are a lot of great Asatru pages on Geocities; it would be a shame if they were lost. If you know someone with a Geocities page or website, please let them know that their site will be GONE in October of 2009 and ask them to relocate their pages somewhere else, perhaps or